Everything about Spoon Carving

Here you will find everything related to Spoon Carving.

Tutorials, Videos, Tools, Courses

Working with your hands: the secret to happiness?

This is the title of an article from The Guardian in 2010. An article I identified with as a craftswoman in a world that promotes non sustainable consumerism based in mass production, making hand made objects loose their true value and makes us and our work obsolete.
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Start learning Spoon Carving

With only a couple of knifes and your own hands you can begin to shape a piece of wood.

How to carve a wooden spoon?

In this article we will go through the main steps of carving a spoon, for each step you will find a link to a more detailed article. There are many ways to carve a wooden spoon, the method this Blog is focused on is greenwood carving using only hand tools. SEE: Types of wood…

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Get to know the tools you need to start carving

The Axe

Carving axe

The Straight Knife

spoon carving knife

The Hook Knife

hook knife for carving

*Illustration byFederico Epis

and how to sharpen and care for your own tools:

Learn to understand the wood and it’s structure to carve it the right way.

But don’t forget to be careful!

Design and carve your own wooden spoon

Design your own spoon

Before designing a spoon we must think about its function. What types of spoon are there? What are their differences? The shape of a spoon is mainly determined by its function. In this article we will see some basic concepts to design a spoon to carve. If we analyze the spoons found in our home, we will understand the reason for their shapes and sizes, let’s see some of…

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The grain direction: Understanding the crank

In this article we will talk about the importance of understanding the grain direction in wood for Spoon Carving and designing your own spoon. A common characteristic in many types of spoons isthe crank. For example, eating spoons must have a slight curvature / crank so it makes it easier to scoop the food out of a plate, we can identify this crank by observing the spoons in our…

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You will also find additional resources like:

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If you want to learn Spoon Carving you can sign up to our Online Course or find a class near you

online spoon carving course

This website is a personal project by Andrea Cortés, Woodworker and Spoon Carver.

Through this website I want to promote Spoon Carving (specially in Spanish speaking countries) so that everyone can learn and start carving.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to write at info@talladecucharas.com

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